Pampers Grooming Academy
Terms and Conditions (hereafter referred to as Pampers)

1.Tuition Fees and Payment:

The cost of tuition for each course is as stated. All course fees must be paid in full in accordance with the terms outlined below. A completed Booking Form must be submitted along with a deposit to confirm a reservation. A 14-day cooling-off period, as per Consumer Contract Regulations 2013, applies after payment. During this period, Pampers will not consider your booking final or provide any resources unless you explicitly waive this right by checking the designated box on the booking form.

2. Deposits and Fees:

Deposits are typically from 25-30% of course and are payable at the time of booking to secure dates. All deposits are non-refundable. The final balance is due to Pampers once course dates are confirmed.Full payment is required before training commences.
One-day courses must be paid in full at the time of booking and are non-refundable.
A completed booking form is required for all courses.

3. Cancellation Policy:

Cancellation with more than 6 weeks' notice incurs a £300 cancellation fee.
Cancellation within 6 weeks of the course commencement date may result in the outstanding balance becoming due immediately, unless Pampers can fill the vacant place.

4. Course Cancellation by Pampers:

If Pampers cancels a course before completion, for any reason, participating students will receive a refund proportionate to the time lost or have the option to continue the course at a mutually agreed-upon time.

5. Policies:

A non-smoking policy is enforced within all our buildings.
Students are required to have personal accident insurance in addition to our comprehensive cover. Pampers accepts no liability for incidents involving dogs.
Students must disclose any medical conditions, disabilities, or allergies. Dog grooming requires physical fitness; students must be reasonably fit and healthy to complete the course. Any health concerns should be communicated before booking and discussed with a GP.

6. Photography and Consent:

By enrolling in any of our courses, students consent to the use of their photographs for promotional purposes on our website, social media, or advertising materials. Additionally, if students use their own dogs or others for grooming purposes, they consent to the use of related images.

7. Use of Dogs for Grooming Courses:

If you intend to use your own dogs, friends' dogs, or customers' dogs for grooming, hand-stripping, or creative courses, you must obtain written permission from the owner beforehand. Please use the provided template below for this purpose. If you do not agree to this requirement, please provide us with written confirmation.


Written permission is required for Creative Grooming and Hand stripping Course.

I, _____________________ [Owner's Name], give permission for my dog's photograph to be taken and used on Pampers website, social media, or National advertising.

Dog's Name: _________________

Breed: ______________________

I, _____________________ [Owner's Name], give permission for my dog, __________________ [Dog's Name], to be used in the creative grooming course at Pampers Grooming Academy in Stirling. I understand that my dog will be coloured using dog-friendly hair dye, and this dye may take some time to fade out. Additionally, I agree to my dog's picture being taken and used on Pampers website, social media, or National advertising.